This trip allowed me to discover this great passion of mine, that of travel. Until then I had been backpacking, moving around by planes, trains, buses and motor vehicles, never would the idea of traveling by bicycle have crossed my mind!
I never had a good relationship with bicycles. I remember my father, every Sunday, would take my sister and me for a walk, and we would often take our bicycles. I remember that when my sister was pedalling uphill, I would get off mine and push it, because I felt it was too hard and tiring. I also remember pretty well the pain at my buttock!
For me, the bicycle was never an option...until I met Germain: he would come to our training, go to his workplace, and get out on weekends for long rides. Seeing him going everywhere with his bicycle, he could see he was experiencing this feeling of freedom to move wherever he wanted without depending on money and gasoline, which reminded me of the feelings I had when I was in Australia. This is how I decided to give another chance to bikes...and this time I fell in love with cycling.
As my passion for travel was always there, finding someone who shares the same passion as you is the best thing that can happen. So Germain and I decided to set off together and embark on this new adventure: in two and with two bicycles.